It's Supposed to be Fun

Sarah Sturm had one hell of a 2022 racing season with consistent results in the Lifetime Series(tag) leading to a third place in the series overall. It was not all fun and games though, nothing worth doing ever is but there is enjoyment in the pursuit. Sarah is carrying her learnings and motivation into the 2023 season and looking for more fun along the way.

Video: Keenan Desplaques Photo: Kenza Schlee Design: Henry Nadell

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“'It’s supposed to be fun” - a simple idea that brought me back into racing and has been my reminder when the anxiety rises as to what the overall goal is. Fun isn’t a constant state, just like happiness, but the pursuit can be. The concept of competitive sport being fun isn’t something we hear very often, even within youth sports. We tend to idealize unachievable perfection and think that winning equals happiness. For me, the focus is the process and the goal is enjoyment.